Monday, September 30, 2019

Our Dwelling Place: The Calling of the Christian Entrepreneur Essay

The founder of local grocery chain, Ukrop’s, Joseph Ukrop was devoted to his vocation of being Richmond’s local grocer. He put community first and used his grocery stores to build community. His legacy of entrepreneurship in Richmond was characterized by a distinct commitment to the Christian principles. For example although Ukrop’s was closed on Sundays and sold no alcohol, they were still able to be a market leader in the Richmond grocery industry. In 2000, they were responsible for 38. 9 percent of the grocery sales in the local market. If Joseph Ukrop’s decided to sell alcohol and required their employees to work on Sundays, the Ukrop’s company would have compromised their proclamation of Christian faith. Ukrop’s also maintained these business practices throughout the entire time of operation. This is Hebrews 13:8-9 applied: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and forever†. They were â€Å"not carried away by divers and strange doctrines†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 2 Ukrop acknowledged Jesus as Lord in his business. The calling of the Christian entrepreneur is dynamic. Somehow, the entrepreneur must be guided by biblical principle, be influential in the marketplace while also yield profit to be successful in business. Still, this discussion asserts that when it is the Christian’s right to exercise â€Å"dominion in the earth through stewardship and enterprise. †3 It is also that entrepreneur’s responsibility to make his or her days count by forwarding the kingdom. Psalm 90: Discussion This tension between man’s place in the continuum of God’s eternity is the theme that characterizes the Hebrew poetic text of Psalm 90. This text egins the fourth division of Psalm, authored by Moses. Historically, Psalm 90 was written after the wilderness experience of forty years; the Exodus generation had perished. According to the book of Numbers, Moses witnessed the death of 1,200,000 adult Israelites that left Egypt. This was God’s judgment for the sin of Kadesh Barnea. Kadesh Barnea provides the background for the text. At Kadesh Barnea, Moses sent out twelve spies to survey the land before the people would enter. All came back with a poor report except Joseph and Caleb who asserted that the Israelites â€Å"would be able to overcome the land. 5 The Israelite people rebelled against their leadership and created a mob, from which God had to save Moses and Aaron. Therefore, by the time Psalm 90, God punishes the Israelites for worshipping idols and forgetting the Lord thy God. According to Fructenbaum, Psalm 90 can be understood in three segments: The nature of man in contrast to the eternity of God, the reason for man’s sin and the third segment is Moses appeal to God, that He visit and return again, restoring his presence to the Israelites again. good In Psalm 90:1-2 God is the dwelling place for all generations. In Hebrew, dwelling place is â€Å"habitation or refuge. God is a protective shelter for all generations. We see that although it appears that God is far off – He is accessible, indeed. Remember that by this time, the Israelites begged Moses to tell God not to appear in person, God is also eternal. Perhaps this is one of the most complex theological concepts. In this text, the mountains are used to illustrate God’s eternity. It is through this imagery that the reader is able to experience the stability of God. 7 Mountains are a constant theme in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures. Mountains are a sign of God’s covenant with his people. So far God is a dwelling place and He is eternal. The second segment if the Psalm 90, beginning in verse 3, describes man’s finality. This is a stark contrast to God’s eternity. The Hebrew word for man means â€Å"frail,† and â€Å"weak. † Man who is weak will be destroyed. Good God is timeless: 4For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. 5Thou carriest them away as with a flood; they are as a sleep: in the morning they are like grass which groweth up. The last segment of the Psalm is Moses’ appeal to God for him to return his presence to his people: â€Å"Return, O lord  , how long? And let it repent thee concerning thy servants. † Not only should God return, but Moses asks for complete restoration and for God to bless the work of man: â€Å"Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children. And let the beauty of the lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it. A synopsis of Psalm 90 is that man God is eternal, man is finite. Therefore man should repent of his sin, turn from his wicked way and be restored to the dwelling place of the Lord God. Also, because man’s days are numbered, he should seek to be the most productive during his youth as to reflect the glory of God. There is safety and peace in God’s design. good This theme of vocation and purpose is a constant theme in the both the Hebrew and Christian scriptures. The Vocation of the Christian Entrepreneur The significance of Psalm 90 frames the meaning of vocation for the Christian entrepreneur. For the Christian entrepreneur, vocation , meaning vocare in Latin, indicates that there is a relationship between the one is calling and the one being called. 2 This call and response is affirmed in the New Testament text, John 10:27 when Jesus assures speaking to his disciples: â€Å"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. † It is also the Christian’s entrepreneur’s responsibility to fulfill God’s mandate to fill the earth. In Genesis 1-2, key tenants of the creation mandate that pronounces both our relationship and responsibility to Jehovah-Elohim (God, the Creator. ) Through worship, dominion and procreation, there exists a dynamic by which man can demonstrate the very likeness God in the earth. In text of Genesis 1-2, the capacity for humanity to innovate is authenticated. According to Genesis 1-2 and Psalm 90, humanity’s desire to deviate from this original blueprint set forth by his Creator â€Å"in the beginning,† can result in destruction. 13 Vocation outside of God’s appointment can render destruction, captivity as it did for the Israelites and the obliteration of entire generations as it did in the past for Israel in the Old Testament Hebrew text If this discussion would continue, it could explore how man is the only one of God’s creation’s that deviates from answering God’s call to produce the Creator through innovation. Even plants grow toward the light. Personal Vocation One of my mentors has taught me that your calling is something that you enjoy doing for no pay. Joseph Ukrop would close his store to help local farmers harvest their crops so they would have food through the winter. Ukrop was passionate about making sure that members of his community were fed; he cared about their nutrition. Today, the store has closed, but the Ukrop legacy of giving has lasted through their non-profit foundation. This is what I believe lies at the foundation of the Christian vocation. For many years I have searched for the thing I should be doing for the kingdom. I think it is teaching. I was a Spanish teacher in the Richmond public school system. I left teaching to pursue a career in marketing. At work, new hires get sent to me for training. I am asked to give presentations and teach the Sales division on new products. Still, I struggle with my calling to teach because it does not pay as much as I would like when I decide pursue it full time. At work, I train minimally but am paid double the salary of a teacher in Richmond, VA. However I am not content with the work I do. It seems that this door will be closed soon. On my April 23, 2012, I will be laid off after working with my current company for five years. At the same time I found out this news, I was also asked to teach at a local community college part time. I am just thankful that God was gracious enough to provide other opportunities. Some of my female co-workers have asked me to lead a Bible study after I leave. Parents still call me when their children face difficulty with Spanish before taking exams. I decided that I would start a tutoring service to supplement my job as an instructor in fall. My vocation to teach is the very thing that God has placed in me. Obeying tis call is so much better than existing outside of the dwelling place of God’s will.

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